Daddy’s Little Girl

Danica called in the Sitch for today. She explained how she feels her husband is spoiling their three-year-old daughter rotten. He can’t say no to her and Danica always ends up being the bad guy. She’s tried telling him already, but it’s not sticking so she wonders what creative ideas people may have. People immediately gathered that the Dad must not be spending enough time with their daughter. Danica should leave them two alone for extended periods and let the dad find out how quickly things can change when mom isn’t there. Another solution was to have another kid! Easy, right? Well we don’t know if they were planning to have more kids or not, but humor aside, a sibling sounds like a great way to ensure their little girl isn’t too spoiled. Siblings teach us how to share and things like that, so at the very least it’s not all about the one daughter. Good luck Danica!
