Before He Cheats

Carrie Underwood would’ve been proud of our Sitch today. Derek in Chesapeake was trying to figure out what to do about his ex-girlfriend who keyed his car. You may be wondering WHY she keyed his car. Well, you see, Derek was caught cheating red handed and so his then-girlfriend got a little upset and took it out on his car while drunk, instead of him. Derek admits that he caused the whole mess, but he still thinks she is more so in the wrong for going that far. It’s unclear how much remorse she is feeling as a result, but Derek doesn’t think she feels too bad about it. So the main question was do you take this to the insurance company/police? Or is there another work around? JJ seemed to be the only one who said he needs to just deal with it since he screwed up so bad in the first place. He felt MORE justice could have been served on behalf of the ex!

Most other callers said to try and get the ex to pay at least SOME of the money towards fixing it. Derek is in a position where he can threaten legal action which would ruin her a lot more than just paying for the damage. Let’s hope we can all take the high road from here on out!
