Virginia Was Named The ‘Grossest’ States in the U.S! Here’s Why.


A new study just ranked all 50 states from the GROSSEST to the least gross.

The rankings are based on five things:

  1. Air quality

  2. What percentage of the state’s area is used for landfills

  3. Flu rates

  4. The percentage of people searching Google for “mayo recipes”

  5. How many people wear Crocs.

And based on that, the GROSSEST states are…

  1. Virginia 

  2. South Carolina

  3. North Carolina

And the least gross are:

  1. Alaska

  2. Montana

  3. Nebraska

Ok so in our defense, crocs are comfy, mayo is delicious and we may have landfills but at least we make ours pretty and give them great names like Mt. Trashmore.

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