Joe Jonas Wants to Re-Record the Jonas Brothers’ Debut Album Like What Taylor Swift: “Really Clever”

Joe Jonas might soon be taking a page out of ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift’s book. In a new interview with Buzzfeed, Joe was asked which Jonas Brothers song he would re-record and he said, “I think I would probably re-record our entire first album. Just do something like what Taylor [Swift] did recently, which I thought was really clever.”

Buzzfeed also asked Joe to pick one musician, living or dead, to collaborate with and Joe said Olivia Rodrigo!  “Olivia Rodrigo is fantastic. I think I would love to work with her or Lil Nas X,” he replied.  “I think they are crushing it and they’re authentic artists who are making changes in the music industry, in the pop world, that we all need.”

Check out Buzzfeed’s 27 questions with Joe here.


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