“You Talk Way Too Much!”

An anonymous Jack wrote in about a coworker who never knows when to stop talking. Not only that, but he doesn’t listen very well either. The thing is he’s a nice guy and nobody has a problem with him personally except for the long talking. It’s become a joke around the office, and he’s aware…

Pandemic Pudgies? Be Kind While You Rewind To A Slimmer You.

I’ve spent most of my life doing the weight loss thing. The one thing I have finally learned, is you don’t have to beat yourself into submission. My friend Meagan and I recently made a pact to get rid of our Pandemic Pudgies together, and she is very stressed about not losing weight since week…

Diet Wins Are Made Together!

All the latest studies confirm, the best way to win at the weight loss game is to get an accountability partner. Therefore, my friend Meagan and I are doing this thang together. I went vegetarian, I am not sure if I will stick to that part, but I am also using the Lose It app…
