Separate Rooms?

Janet in Chesapeake is gearing up for a big family trip. Her son (21) wants to bring his girlfriend along for a few days, which is fine by the family. The only issue is where the two of them sleep. Janet wants them to sleep in separate rooms, which obviously takes away a lot of…

Fiancé Insecurities

Heather wrote in the sitch because her fiancé is having some trust issues. Heather maintains contact with her ex husband because they share a daughter, and he recently sent her a picture of their daughter. Fiancé took this the wrong way and perceived it as a romantic reach. Heather did admit that her ex husband…

Too Much Baby Fever?

Dee in Chesapeake has a best friend who has come down with a serious case of baby fever. She’s in her late 30s and started committing to a new guy before her divorce was finalized. Dee feels like she’s moving too fast for the sake of having a baby and should probably slow down to…

No Contact

Roland in Virginia Beach is going on a boys’ trip to Yosemite Park for Memorial Day weekend. The trip has been in the works for a while and he wants to truly get away from everything. So much so that he told his fiance that he wants “no contact” on the trip. He said it…

Switching Teachers?

An anonymous Jill was curious if other people had ever asked or considered asking for a new teacher for their child. Apparently Jill’s son was brought to tears by the teacher and now Jill and her husband are retroactively wishing they pulled their son out of that class and got a different teacher. They thought…

Before He Cheats

Carrie Underwood would’ve been proud of our Sitch today. Derek in Chesapeake was trying to figure out what to do about his ex-girlfriend who keyed his car. You may be wondering WHY she keyed his car. Well, you see, Derek was caught cheating red handed and so his then-girlfriend got a little upset and took…

Not Really A People Person

Anonymous Jill recently started working for the same company her husband works for. However, they are in different departments so they don’t have much to do with each other. Her husband constantly complains about his employees and until now Jill has commiserated and taken his side like all faithful spouses should do! But now that…

Kid Wants A New Name

Well technically he won’t be a kid soon anymore. Sandra wrote in the Sitch today regarding her soon-to-be 18 year old boy wanting to LEGALLY change his name. He’s tired of the name Ross because he’s always associated with the character from the TV show friends. The only thing is ‘Ross’ is the name of…

Premature Pregnancy Reveal

Trey and his wife recently found out that she is pregnant! They’re so excited because they’ve been trying for a while and it will be her grandparent’s first grandchild. For this reason, she wanted to make it a special occasion when she told them. So she wanted to wait to tell them, but she also…

“You Talk Way Too Much!”

An anonymous Jack wrote in about a coworker who never knows when to stop talking. Not only that, but he doesn’t listen very well either. The thing is he’s a nice guy and nobody has a problem with him personally except for the long talking. It’s become a joke around the office, and he’s aware…
